
Send Cakes to Amalner

A cake is the best way to apologise and say sorry, it is also a great way to thank you and appreciate the little things your loved one does for you. With a cake you can say, I miss you' or 'I love you' and our variety of flavours will help show your affection.

Boxing Birthday cake Save 49%
£47.84 £24.47
Black forest cake with Rocher Save 16%
£22.14 £18.63
Rocking Spiderman Cake Save 50%
£46.67 £23.31
Soft Chocolate Truffle Cake Save 13%
£9.29 £8.12
Chocolate Truffle Gems Cake Save 20%
£11.62 £9.29
Valentines fondant cake Save 23%
£30.32 £23.31
5 1 Reviews
Red Rose With Pineapple Cake Save 8%
£13.96 £12.79


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