
Online Cake Delivery in Howrah

There are many shops that deal with numerous types of cakes, but when it is time to the point of celebrating Christmas day or the New Year, then being selective becomes a must. Online delivery brings a huge collection to make you amazed. Our collection is the different requirements of the clients who have their Hometown in Howrah. We use advanced delivery service to send cakes to Howrah in and fast and easy manner. We send the delicious cakes within the shortest period to our clients and turn the value of their occasion into a remarkable one.

 If you want to get an ideal online cake delivery in Howrah, then come to us. Apart from delicious cake items for Christmas and New Year, you will get advanced delivery facilities here. Our trained Bakers invest their valuable time to bake your cake with the best ingredients. You will understand the freshness of the cake at every bite on it.

Diwali vanilla fruit Cake Save 13%
$34.55 $30.22
Decorative Diwali Cake Save 30%
$21.56 $15.06
Diwali Fondant Cake Save 16%
$41.05 $34.55
Crunchy Butterscotch Save 22%
$19.39 $15.06
5 1 Reviews
Black Forest Round Cake Save 7%
$15.06 $13.97
5 1 Reviews
Chocolaty Delight Cake Save 7%
$15.06 $13.97
5 1 Reviews
5 1 Reviews
5 1 Reviews
Soft Chocolate Truffle Cake Save 13%
$17.22 $15.06
Rich chocolate truffle cake Save 22%
$19.39 $15.06
Roses and Truffle Cake Save 8%
$28.05 $25.89
Butterscotch With Mixed Roses Save 30%
$71.38 $49.72


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